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Cygwin/X is used with Windows. SSH is used to open a session on Windows. Unless one is extremely familiar with these terms, it is best to consult a professional.

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Q: What is a cygwin ssh in computer terms?
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Related questions

How does one go about setting up SSH tunneling?

SSH is an extremely useful tool that allows one to do many things in a secure fashion. One can set SSH tunneling by download the Cygwin installation wizard.

What is the definition of 'ssh' in terms of computers?

In terms of computers, the term "SSH" stands for Secure Shell. This is a method of communicating with another computer through a secured network, all data sent through this system are encrypted.

How do you use SSH?

SSH is extremely simple. Using the SSH client, you connect to the computer running the SSH server using the commandssh [ip address or hostname here]

When was Cygwin created?

Cygwin was created in 1995.

What does cygwin do for computer?

Cygwin is a very reliable and widely used command prompt program for computers. This would be used if one wanted to program languages or add text processing to their programs.

Where can someone open an SSH?

You can open an SSH on your own computer by downloading and installing the PuTTY software. You can get this software for free from websites such as SourceForge.

What does ssh in Linux stsnds for?

SSH stands for Secure Shell. (Often shown as Secure SHell.) It is a secure method for a host computer to connect to a remote computer on the network or over the internet.

Why does SSH shows refuse message?

The most likely reason is that no SSH server is running on the target computer. Another reason may be that the SSH server was placed on a non-standard port as a safety precaution.

What is Cygwin used for?

Cygwin is used to port applications that were written for Unix or Linux to a Windows environment.

Where can one download the Cygwin DLL?

The Cygwin DLL can be downloaded directly from the Cygwin website. It can also be downloaded online through the websites DLL-Files, NoDevice, and DLL-DLL.

How do you use Cygwin?

"Using" Cygwin depends very much on what you want to accomplish. Cygwin is an environment used to port and compile Unix programs on Windows. One can "use" Cygwin without realizing it if they are using an application compiled in Cygwin. Using Cygwin as a developer is probably beyond the scope of a single question. Basically, Cygwin provides a Unix-like terminal interface through which one can run Unix commands, including a compiler (GCC). The user will download and install any additional libraries and programs he/she will need, and then compile the program, just as they would on a Unix system. When distributing the program, the developer will include the compiled binary and a copy of any DLLs needed to run it. The user will then click and run it just like any other Windows program.

Which directory holds encryption keys for users connection to ssh servers?

Typically it would be a hidden folder called ".ssh".