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Q: What is a 'Daddy Long Legs' in different parts of the world?
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What are the colors of the different species of daddy long legs?

Cellars spiders are often confused with Harvestmen and Crane Flies. "Daddy long legs" is too broad a term to use, as they are all different creatures with different attributes. Scientifically, there is no animal called a Daddy Long Legs.

What are adaptations of a daddy long legs?

There are at least three different little crawling things which are loosely called Daddy Long Legs. All are arthropods but not all are insects.

What is the difference between a spider and a daddy long legs?

Spiders usually have two body-parts while daddy long-legs have only one. Daddy long-legs have a teeny body with very long and thin legs, hence the name. Some spiders might have long legs and small body but you'll never find one as scrawny as the daddy long-legs. You can find daddy long-legs in groups sometimes while spiders are always alone. Spiders defend themselves by biting. Daddy long-legs spit acid and cannot bite, they're fangs are too small to penetrate skin.

Do daddy long legs bit?

no daddy long legs dont bit.

When was My Daddy Long Legs created?

My Daddy Long Legs was created in 1990.

Are daddy long legs in Wisconsin?

Yes there are daddy long legs in Wisconsin.

Can a daddy long legs have a enemies?

of course the daddy long leg has enemies its enemy is other daddy long legs

How did the daddy-longlegs get its name?

It was the first daddy spider in the world so it's name is daddy longlegs! It also have really really long legs... so yeah

How long is daddy long legs legs?

An adult daddy long legs will have segmented legs, that when stretched out would be about 5 to 6cm long.

Can he grow big daddy longs legs?

yes he could grow DADDY LONG LEGS.

Do daddy long legs hibernate?

Daddy long legs indeed do NOT hibernate, arachnids do not hibernate

How did the daddy long legs get its strange name?

The daddy long legs is named for its incredibly long legs, which are massive in comparison to its body.