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Cellars Spiders are often confused with Harvestmen and Crane Flies. "Daddy long legs" is too broad a term to use, as they are all different creatures with different attributes. Scientifically, there is no animal called a Daddy Long Legs.

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There is only one type of daddy long legs, which is the common household Daddy- long legs. They have brown legs. Most have blue eyes too.

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Do daddy long legs have gills?

None of the species know by the common name "daddy long legs" have gills, nor do they live in water and have need of them.

Do daddy long legs and black widows mate?

No they do not. They are not able to produce silk.

Are daddy long legs related to scorpions?

It depends on exactly what species you are identifying as "daddy long legs". The name daddy long legs can refer to several species or differing classifications. These are:* Harvestman - This species is not a true spider although it is classed as Arachnida, as it has eight legs. It is commonly called either "daddy long legs" or "grand daddy long legs" in the USA and is found worldwide, with over 6,400 species. There is a myth about these creatures being the most venomous of spiders, but its jaws are too small to bite, however this is a complete fallacy, as none of these species have venom glands or fangs. They are completely harmless and are not poisonous. * Crane fly - These are typically known as daddy long legs in the UK. They are a long legged flying insect that can be found all over the world. There are over 14,000 identified species. * Cellar Spider - This is the only true spider known by the name "daddy long legs". In fact all members of the family Pholcidae are group with this name. They are found commonly all over the world and again are easily recognised by their long legs. Again the myth says they are the most venomous spider in the world, but this is again untrue for the same reason as above.

Are all three species of Daddy Long legs non poisonous?

According to research at the University of California, there is no evidence that any daddy long-legs spiders are venomous to humans.

Do daddy long legs eat slugs?

I guess yes, because their webs are good enough to trap a slug and daddy long legs can easily poison them.

How do daddy long legs move from place to place?

Just like any other species with legs, they more than likely WALK.

What is the difference between a spider and a daddy long legs?

Spiders usually have two body-parts while daddy long-legs have only one. Daddy long-legs have a teeny body with very long and thin legs, hence the name. Some spiders might have long legs and small body but you'll never find one as scrawny as the daddy long-legs. You can find daddy long-legs in groups sometimes while spiders are always alone. Spiders defend themselves by biting. Daddy long-legs spit acid and cannot bite, they're fangs are too small to penetrate skin.

What are adaptations of a daddy long legs?

There are at least three different little crawling things which are loosely called Daddy Long Legs. All are arthropods but not all are insects.

What states have the least amount of poisonous spiders?

The state of California has the most spiders. There are twenty six different species of spiders living in California.

What is the daddy-longlegs food?

Daddy-long-legs, or Harvestmen, eat live insects, mostly aphids. Some species feed on dead insects or plant juices.

What is the difference between a Daddy Long Legs and a Black Widow spiders?

A daddy long legs is a very spindly and harmless spider. Black widow spiders, on the other hand, are thicker and extremely poisonous. People should avoid black widow spiders whenever possible.

Do daddy long legs bit?

no daddy long legs dont bit.