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Dampers are streamlined weights attached to transmission-line conductors, close to where the conductors are secured from insulators. As the name suggests, their purpose is to 'damp' any vibrations induced into the conductors by wind.

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Q: What is a dampner on a transmission line?
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Will low pass filter works as transmission line?

No, but transmission line act as a lpf

Who uses pole and transmission line hardware?

Pole and transmission line hardware is purchased by cable television and utility companies

Why phases in transmission line are transposed?

Image result for Why phases in transmission line are transposed?Transposition is the periodic swapping of positions of the conductors of a transmission line, in order to reduce crosstalk and otherwise improve transmission. ... Transposition also equalizes their impedance relative to the ground, thus avoiding one-sided loads in three-phase electric power systems.

Calculations on input impedance of a transmission lines?

I assume you are wanting to know about balancing networks to a transmission line? If this is the case, you really need to get a book on networks and filters. The physical makup of the transmission line will impact this calculation. The basic idea is you want to match the impedance at the input (looking out of the transmission line) to the same impedance as the transmission line (say 50 or 75 ohms for typical coax), and the output impedance (looking out of the transmission line) to the same as well. This will result in maximum power transfer, minimum power reflection. If you want to know how to make a balancing filter to a transmission line, then you need to design the filter according to your requirements - chebyshev, minimum ripple, wide band, narrow band, etc; You may need to use transformers to isolate the transmission line from your power circuitry, and use this as a matching network. You could also use transistors to accomplish similar things (less isolation, though), depending on what you're trying to do.

Why fuse is used in transmission line?

yes its used in transmission line.fuse normally used in peravitiu in all electrical systeam

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Only if it is a DC transmission line.

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If this vehicle has a transmission cooler then it will have one line to the cooler then another for the return line to the transmission.

Will low pass filter works as transmission line?

No, but transmission line act as a lpf

Where is the front seal on a 1997 chev 1500 half ton 43liter?

behind the vibration dampner (and lowerpulley on end of crankshaft) you will need a dampner puller and seal remover to replace it

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balanced pi model for a long transmission line.

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Double Circuit Double Circuit String Transmission Line

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What is pg clamps in transmission line?

pg clamp is known for parallel groove clamp,especially used in transmission line to hold transmission conductors in parallel.

How do you fix transmission oil going into the engine in a 1994 Ford Ranger King Cab?

Check for a vacuum module on the transmission. If you see a vacuum line between the transmission and engine, disconnect the line and look for transmission fluid inside the line. If you see transmission fluid in the line, replace the vacuum module. It probably has a split or damaged diaphragm inside.