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It means that a reaction literally decomposes

For example:

H2CO ------> H2 + CO

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Q: What is a decompisition reaction?
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What type of chemical reaction is it when hydrogen peroxide break apart to form water and oxygen?

Decompisition reaction

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Probable you think to a decompostion reaction.

What does maths decompisition mean?

Nothing, since decompisition is not a real word! What decomposition means depends on the context, which you have not provided: "maths" is not enough.

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Why do house flies swarm in the spring?

They are conditioned to be around during the months of 'decompisition'. That's why during the winter months they are scarce. They are conditioned to be around during the months of 'decompisition'. That's why during the winter months they are scarce.

Does a physical change occur when a peach spoils?

No its chemicalAll decompisition is a chemical change. There is no going back to the unrotten fruit

Why does the taiga biome have such a spongy surface?

The taiga biome has such a spongy surface from the weather slowing down decompisition which makes the vegetation on the ground have a spongy surface.

How do the ancient Egypt people prevent decompisition in mummification?

With a dehydration process. Bodies were covered with a natural sodium mixture (natron) for drainage. The mummification process took 70 days to complete.

What biome with nutrient poor soil is near the equator?

the tropical rainforest has nutrient poor and acidic soil because of rapid decompisition, an extreme chemical weathering/leaching because of the high amounts of rainfall. Hope this helps :)

What are facts about the taiga zone?

The Taiga is prone to wildfires The largest biome Has the fewest animal and plant species than any other biome. The needles keep the coniferous trees warm in the winter Cool tempereatures keep decompisition slow has a spruse goose

What is the difference between normal reaction and abnormal reaction?

Normal reaction happens when the reaction is normal. Abnormal reaction happens when the reaction is abnormal.

What reaction is opposite of a synthesis reaction?

It would be a catabolic reaction or decomposition reaction.