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Q: What is a deep-sea creature with 10 arms that splits a cloud of ink?
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A duodecabrachi (or duodecabrachius) is a creature with twelve arms.

What is a hexabrachi?

A hexabrachi (or hexabrachius) is a creature with six arms.

What is a tribrachi?

A tribrachi (or tribrachius) is a creature with three arms.

What is an octobrachi?

An octobrachi (or octobrachius) is a creature with eight arms.

What is a decabrachi?

A decabrachi (or decabrachius) is a creature with ten arms.

How can you make a three headed creature on spore galactic adventures?

you put arms on your creature then take of the hands and but on a mouth and eyes

In Star Wars how does General Grievous have 4 arms?

he is part robot so he just does he dislocates both arms and splits them

What is a hexamand?

A hexamand is a humanoid creature with six arms. Hexa = six in Greek; and Mand = arms in Latin, so a Hexamand means six armed or arms.

How do you spell ten tenticals?

There is no known creature to have "ten tentacles" (an octopus has eight arms, a squid has eight arms and two tentacles).

Why does a yeti crab have hairy arms?

The yeti crab has hairy arms to "grab" floating plankton. The crab waves it arms in a cloud of plankton and the plankton gets stuck in there arms, then the plankton get eaten.

What does flumpy the moshling look like?

Flumpy is a pink cloud. Flumpy is a white spiky cloud whose arms and legs are flumped down.