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E Moctezuma, L J FeldmanDepartment of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California at Berkeley 94720, USA.

Gravitropic perception and response are essential for the completion of the reproductive life cycle of the peanut plant (Arachis hypogaea L.). The developing seeds are buried in the soil by a specialized organ, the gynophore, allowing the fruit to mature underground. Controversy exists about the site of graviperception in the gynophore: previous workers suggested that the intercalary meristem was the zone where gravity was perceived. Taking the starch statolith hypothesis for graviperception as a framework, we explored the possibility that the starch-grain filled plastids (amyloplasts) in the starch sheath of the gynophore may be acting as gravisensors. We show that these amyloplasts sediment readily with respect to the gravity vector within 30 min of reorientation, and before there is a measurable gravitropic response. Gynophore explants were incubated with gibberellic acid and kinetin, in darkness, to remove starch from the amyloplasts. Destarching the gynophores did not inhibit overall growth of the organ, but reduced the gravitropic response curvature by 82% compared to water-treated controls. In addition, gynophores placed on a rotating clinostat (without hormone treatment) also showed a reduced gravitropic response. In conclusion, the evidence presented in this work strongly suggests that the amyloplasts of the starch sheath are responsible for gravitropic perception in the peanut gynophore. A model for graviperception in the gynophore is presented.

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Q: What is a deficiency to starch carboyhdrates?
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Do you like to eat non-food items like cornstarch laundry starch chalk baking soda baking powder or other items?

Eating non-food items is called Pica. It can be a symptom of iron deficiency, typically iron deficiency anemia, or it may be a symptom of a mental health disorder. If you are eating harmful items, you should be seen and evaluated by a physician. That can be a sign of a nutritional deficiency. See a doctor and take a multivitamin in the meantime. You are so right, it can also be an indication of cancer. I just read in a journal that craving unuasl things such as laundry starch, etc, and also the desire to chew ice, can be signs of the deficiency you talk about, but the underlying cause of that or the anemia can be cancer. That someone going to their Dr. with this, needs to make sure their Dr. finds the root cause, to rule out the chance of colon, and other types of cancer.