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A hydrometer measures moisture in the air

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Q: What is a device for measuring the moisture in the air?
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What instrument is used to measure the amount of moisture?

Moisture meters, under that name, are made for both wood and concrete. There are several designs of these. For measuring the moisture content of the air, an Hygrometer is one type of device. Another device is a Dew Point Meter, quite accurate.

Which is the air pressure measurement device?

An air pressure measuring device is called a Barometer.

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What was the device that Torricelli invented for measuring air pressure called?

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What is the definition of barometer?

An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in weather forecasting.

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What is weather balloon device for measuring air pressure temperature and relative humidity called?

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Who is invented the measuring device?

Exactly what measuring device? There are hundreds of "measuring devices" to measure different things.

What instruments are used in measuring air?

A barometer measures air pressure; a hygrometermeasures humidity, or the moisture content of the air; and an air sampler (or high volume air sampler) is used to measure the purity or pollution level of the air.

What are instrument use in measuring?

A barometer measures air pressure; a hygrometermeasures humidity, or the moisture content of the air; and an air sampler (or high volume air sampler) is used to measure the purity or pollution level of the air.

How are different measuring devices usefull?

There are any measuring devices available, your question should be little specific. Measuring device is for electricity or water or earth quake or data traffic or air pressure.