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An air pressure measuring device is called a Barometer.

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Q: Which is the air pressure measurement device?
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Which measurement is a reading from a sphygmomanometer?

A sphygmomanometer is a device used to measure blood pressure. A more common name for this device is a blood pressure meter.

The measurement of air pressure at sea level is called?

Sea level pressure.

Does the sea have more air pressure than the mountain?

The higher the elevation the lower the air pressure. Sea level is considered the standard for air pressure measurement.

Can you get negative answer for orifice meter?

Yes. The fluid may be flowing backwards or there may be obstructions or distortions in the pressure-sensing lines between the primary measurement device and the secondary measurement device.

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How are different Measurement devices?

There are any measuring devices available, your question should be little specific. Measuring device is for electricity or water or earth quake or data traffic or air pressure.

What weather instrument do meteorologists use to measure air pressure?

the common measurement of air pressure used by meteorologists is the isobar

The measurement of the amount of water vapor in the air?

The humidity is measured by a device called a hygrometer.

What device is used to measure to measure air pressure?


What is the device use to measure air pressure called?


Is a Fujita scale the same as a barometer?

No, the Fujita scale rates tornadoes from F0 to F5 based on the severity of their damage. It is a system, of assessing tornadoes, not an actual measurement device. A barometer is an instrument that measures air pressure.