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An electrical fan converts Electrical Energy to ME.

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11y ago

That's called an electric motor.

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8y ago

It's a generator.

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Q: What is a device that changes electric energy into mechanical energy?
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What device changes electric energy into mechanical energy?

An electric motor is the best for that job.

What changes mechanical energy into electric energy?

An electrical motor is one device that will fall into that category.

A device that converts mechanical energy into electric energy is?

it is an electric motor

Which electrical device changes electrical energy into mechanical energy?

The motor changes electrical energy into mechanical (torque) energy.

What is a device that converts mechanical energy into electric energy is?


What is the device that converts mechanical energy into electric energy?

A generator

What electric motor?

A electric motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

A device that transforms electrical energy to mechanical energy?

An electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy by using electromagnetic fields to create rotational motion. This transformation allows the motor to power various machines and devices by converting electricity into physical work.

A device that changes electrical energy into mechanical energy?

An example of a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is an electric motor. Electric motors use electromagnetic principles to generate a rotating motion when electrical current is applied to them. This conversion allows the motor to power various mechanical systems such as fans, pumps, and conveyor belts.

A device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy is?

An electric motor

What is a device that transforms mechanical energy to electrical energy?

A generator is a device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy. It uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to generate electricity when a conductor moves through a magnetic field.

What is a Electric generator?

A device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.