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muriatic acid

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3w ago

A dilute solution of hydrochloric acid sold in hardware stores is commonly known as muriatic acid. It is used for cleaning bricks, concrete, and other materials. It is important to handle muriatic acid with care due to its corrosive nature.

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Q: What is a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid often sold in hardware stores called?
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What is a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid often sold in hard stores called?

muriatic acid

How would you make a solution of hydrochloric acid more dilute?

To make a solution of hydrochloric acid more dilute, you can add more water to the solution. This will decrease the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the solution while maintaining the total volume. Gradually adding water and mixing well will help in achieving the desired dilution.

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dilute hydrochloric acid

Dilute hydrochloric acid is an example of?

Dilute hydrochloric acid is an example of an acid solution commonly used in chemistry experiments and as a cleaning agent. It contains a lower concentration of hydrochloric acid compared to concentrated hydrochloric acid.

If you add a small amount of hydrochloric acid to 4 liters of water what type of solution would you expect to have?

You would have a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid in water. The resulting solution would be acidic due to the presence of the hydrochloric acid.

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Is a solution dangerous in the lab?

It depends entirely on the solution. Sugar solution for example could be drunk!. Dilute Hydrochloric Acid solution would be poisonous.

Is dilute hydrochloric acid a mixture?

Yes its solution in water is a mixture of hydrogen chloride and water.

What green powder do you add to dilute hydrochloric acid to make copper chloride solution and carbon dioxide?

You would add powdered copper carbonate to dilute hydrochloric acid to produce copper chloride solution and carbon dioxide gas.

If your stomach contained 1 liter of dilute hydrochloric acid powder would you need to neutralize it?

That depends on how dilute the hydrochloric acid is. Your stomach naturally produces hydrochloric acid as part of the natural human digestive process. If you just drank a liter of water and had little in your stomach to begin with, your stomach would then contain a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid.

What is the solute and solvent in dilute hydrochloric acid solution?

The solvent is water and the solute is hydrogen chloride (HCl).

What is a kind on homogeneous mixture?

brewed tea or coffeesoapy watera dilute solution of hydrochloric acidhard alcoholwine