

What is a directly stated language?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: What is a directly stated language?
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Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?

That would be assembly language or machine language, and just so you know, it is very difficult to learn.

What is the work of compiler?

A compiler converts a program in one programming language into a program in another programming language. Often the conversion is into a language that can be understood directly by the hardware.

Is Python a legitimate program?

Yes, it is a legitimate program, but is that what you were really asking? Are you talking about the language discussed at If you are wondering if the language itself is legitimate, it is. Simply, it is an interpreted language implemented directly in C.

Why there is a need for converting high level language into machine level language............ why cant we use high level language directly in computers?

Machine code is the native language of the machine. The machine does not "understand" any language other than its own native language. As such, all other languages, including low level assembly languages, must be compiled or interpreted in order to produce the required machine code.

Why machine language is the only language which is directly executed by computers?

Machine language is the native language of the machine and requires no translation. Every other programming language must be translated into machine code in order to execute, which means you need to program the computer to perform that translation. A compiler translates the entire source code to produce a machine code executable, whereas an interpreter translates high-level statements as they are executed within the runtime environment.

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No, the theme is never stated directly.

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When something is stated directly, it is explicit and clearly expressed without any ambiguity or uncertainty.

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not directly stated.

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An implicit question is a question that is implied or suggested rather than directly stated. It requires the reader or listener to make an inference or deduction based on context or clues provided in the communication.

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Implicit is were a meaning or a condition is implied but not stated. Explicit is where the meaning or condition is directly stated.

What is a theme that is directly stated?

One example of a theme that is directly stated in a text is "the importance of family" in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. The author explicitly discusses the significance of family relationships and the impact they have on the characters and their actions throughout the story.