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binge eating

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Q: What is a disorder in which a person repeatedly eats too much food at one time?
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Related questions

What is an eating disorder in which a person repeatedly eats large amounts of food and then purges?

It can be bulimia, or just binge eating then purging... so it may be either.

Is an eating disorder in which a person frequently eats a large amount of food then vomet?

Bulimia is the eating disorder.

What do you call a person who eats only one food?

A person who eats only one type of food is called a monophagist.

What food does sally person like?

sally pearson eats food

When binge eats and then secretly vomits what eating disorder does she suffer from?

Bulimia, associated with Anorexia Nervosa, is the disorder in which one binge eats or eats excessive amounts of food and then intentionally expels the food before it is absorbed into their body. It can be laxatives, enemas, and self induced vomiting, but it's all still the same. Sufferers of bulimia also suffer extreme malnutrition.

What is one symptom that all people with an eating disorder have?

Every person with an eating disorder has an unhealthy relationship with food.

What a person or animal usually eats is called?

What is eaten is food.

What is it called when a person eats less food?

A slimming diet

Why is sanitation important in food processing?

So that the person who eats the food doesn't get sick.

What is call an eating disorder in which a person has difficulty controlling how much food he or she?

A person which has difficulty controlling how much food he or she eats may suffer from Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Compulsive Overeating (COE) or bulimia nervosa (BN). In the latter case, the individual will engage in some kind of compensatory purgative activity; i.e., vomiting after eating, or taking laxatives, or over-exercising to burn off the excess calories consumed.

Can an invited spirit into a body taste the food that one eats?

yes it can it can tast what ever that person eats or even can feel sex if that person has sex.

If a person eats unhealthy food can they get a cold what cause a person get a cold?

Eating unhealthy food cannot make you or anyone feel cold