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his nose because it f**king is

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Q: What is a dogs most developed sense?
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What is the most highly developed human sense and what is the least developed human sense?

The most highly developed human sense is vision.

What sense does a dog rely on most?

Most dogs rely on the sense of smell and sight

What is the Least functional sense at birth?

the least developed sense at birth is vision, which is why most babies' eyes are closed when they are born.

Why can dogs sniff out drugs and explosives better than humans?

A much bigger nose and better developed sense of smell.

Why can cats climb but not dogs?

Cats have claws that can go in and out of there paw and they use them to climb easier. And, actually, dogs can climb, some breeds quite well. They just generally don't need to. It comes down to purpose or reason. Cats adapted to climb to escape danger or to get higher position from which to attack prey. They do not have the developed sense of smell that dogs have, and typically are not as fast nor as distanced runners as dogs. Dogs on the other hand run their prey down, most older breeds have very well developed sense of smell, and tend to nose down whole moving around.

Which is the first sense to be fully developed?

the first sense to be developed is touch

Do most echinoderms have highly developed sense organs?

No, they have them, but they're relatively basic.

What is a dog's most highly developed sense?

Smell is the dogs most powerful sense A dog's sense of smell is orders of magnitude above a human's. Their hearing is also very good and has a wider range than the human ear. Their eyesight is relatively poor by human standards

Can dogs sense spirits?

Yes dogs can sense spirits.

Do dogs or cats detect smells better?

Dogs have a better sense of smell. Smell is a dog's most highly developed sense. Their wet noses dissolve the scent molecules and help them detect smells that mere humans cannot perceive. Many dog experts believe that the canine sense of smell helps dogs 'talk' to each other and help define their relationship. Dogs use their olfactory senses to interpret other dog's pheromones (external chemical messengers) and learn important information regarding gender and receptivity to mating.

Can dogs sense how you feel?

Yes dogs can sense how you feel whether you are scared or happy :)

Can dogs sense things like danger?

Yes, dogs can sense many things, they can even sense an adrenaline change.