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Dogs have paired scent glands located just inside their rectum; they are instinctively driven to mark their territory with the secretions from these glands. The smelly secretion is the scent oil used to mark the dog's territory; it can be cleaned away with dog-friendly shampoo and water, although you should be careful and go slow until you know how your dog will react to this procedure.

If you notice your dog 'scooting' - rubbing his rear end along the floor - this can be a sign of impacted scent glands. Your veterinarian can test for this easily through digital palpation and if the glands are impacted can relieve the impaction as well.

In rare instances, the scent glands can become cancerous, which is why you should take your dog to the vet twice a year for general health examinations.

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Q: What is a dogs smelly secretion from anal area?
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yes , yes they all do