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Ducks have adapted greatly by learning to get out of the water quickly and start flying.

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Q: What is a ducks adaptation for flight?
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What is an adaptation for ducks?

Webbing between toes for swimming

What is the ducks adaptation?

one of the ducks structural adaptations is its webbed feet to keep it a float in water. a behavioural adaptation is that they only feed in shallow water, by wading in the water.

What do you call a group of ducks?

Ducks in flight are a flock. Ducks on the ground are a badling. Ducks in the water are a raft, team or paddling

What adaptation has occurred in ducks that helps them in swimming?

Webbed feet perhaps

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What are the collective noun of duck and dogs?

The collective noun for teachers is a faculty of teachers.There are several collective nouns for duck:brace of ducks (applies to birds, in general)flock of ducks (applies to birds on the ground, in general)flight of ducks (applies to birds in the air, in general)badelynge or badlingof ducks (applies to ducks on the ground)paddling of ducks (applies to ducks in the water)raftof ducks (applies to ducks in the water)teamof ducks (applies to ducks in the water)flush of ducks

What is the correct name for a large group of ducks in flight?

Known as a Plump of Ducks. Also a Skein, a word adopted from a Scandinavian language

What are not an adaptation to flight in birds?

Solid Bones A+

What do you call a pair of ducks?

The answer depends upon whether they are in water or in flight: In water, a group of ducks can be called a bunch, paddling, or raft. In flight, a group of ducks can be called a skein, string, or team. However, some terms were apparently coined by deviously creative minds (in a fit of passion, genius, or stupor, as with most manic spurts of creative zeal)-- thus, to be safe, I suggest using the term "flock of ducks".

Do owls eat ducks?

No owl in North America eats adult ducks. Great Horned Owls may attack ducks in flight but this appears territorial. Owls can attack and eat ducklings.

Do ducks have to touch ground before returning to flight?

no they just take off