

What is a empathy question?

Updated: 5/2/2024
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13y ago

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say i were to ask you a question OK. "do you need help?" when your struggling to lift multiple heavy items. that is an example of an empathy question. this is when you ask a person a question they already know so you can do a task.

Other examples:

Asking, "How can I help?" when someone has had a death in the family.

"That must have really hurt when your boyfriend dumped you. Do you want to talk for a while?"

However, be aware that the way we form questions or statements of empathy (e.g. putting ourselves in other people's shoes), the risk is we may name the wrong feeling and assume the other person feels that way too when maybe the person honestly has a different reaction/feeling. Here is an example:

"That must have really hurt when your boyfriend dumped you. Do you want to talk for a while?"

"Him? No way, I'm not hurt. I'm glad he's gone. I was gonna dump him but he just said it first. Good riddance!"

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2d ago

An empathy question is a question that is asked in order to better understand and connect with the feelings and experiences of another person. It demonstrates a willingness to listen and empathize with the other person's perspective.

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