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the cowboy was racing like as if there was no tomorrow.

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Q: What is a example of a simile that uses both like and as?
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What is the simile in A red red rose?

simile It is an example of a simile (uses like or as). A simile in itself though is a type of metaphor.

What figurative language uses 'like' or 'as'?

simile-a comparison of like objects using like or as

What is example of metaphor?

A metaphor is a flower. A simile is like (or as) a flower. Both metaphor and simile compare one thing to another. The difference is that a simile uses the words 'like' or 'as', and metaphor doesn't. Metaphor: Life is a fountain. Simile: Life is like a fountain.

Is he sank as fast as the titanic a simile?

Yes, a simile is a comparative statement or phrase that uses the words "like" or "as" Example: "This simile is as cool as my sunglasses" or "This simile is like the most awesome thing ever"

Run like a deer is an example of?

It is a simile because it uses the word "like." Metaphors do not use this word.

Why did the poet choose the teacher was a raging lion as a simile?

A metaphor, a simile uses the words like or as.

What is the comparison that uses like and as?

A simile.

Is it was raining cats and dogs and more of the same was promised for the next day a simile?

No, A Simile uses AS (or like) to make a comparison. For example, "It was raining as much as it did in Noah's time."

A simile for cheryl coles hair?

A simile is a comparison that uses the words "like" or "as". So for example, Cheryl Cole's hair is like a river cascading down the mountain during a spring thaw.

Is cold as ice a metaphor or similar?

Do you mean: Is 'cold as ice' a metaphor or a simile? If so, it is a simile because 'cold as ice' uses as. A simile is a comparison that uses like or as. A metaphor is a comparison that DOES NOT use like or as. Hope that helps. :)

What word uses like and as?

The word that uses like or as is a simile. a simile is used to compare things that are alike. This is why it uses like or as in its sentence. example: The girl ran faster than a speed of lightening. The comparison in the sentence is the girl and the speed of lightening. The sentence was trying to justify that the girl ran very fast.

Is this a simile or a metaphor the world is like a vampire?

it is a simile because it compares and uses as