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Most materials in our world are mixtures. Very few materials are pure substances. The art of separating mixtures is important because it enables us to isolate pure substances. Mixtures are either homogeneous or heterogeneous. Homogeneous mixtures are uniform in composition. Heterogeneous mixtures are not. Salt water is a mixture of water and NaCl and is homogeneous if thoroughly mixed, with all the salt dissolved. Oil in water is a heterogeneous mixture. Both types of mixtures can be separated into their component parts by physical means. A salt water mixture can be separated by distilling or evaporating the water and collecting the salt residue. An oil and water mixture will separate into an oil layer and a water layer because the materials are not attracted to one another and gravity "pulls" the denser water beneath the less dense oil. Settling, filtration, chromatography, and manual methods are all means of separating the components of a mixture. Choice of method depends on the type of mixture and the characteristics of its components.

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3d ago

An example of separation using physical change is the process of distillation, where a mixture of liquids with different boiling points is heated to vaporize the components and then condensed back into liquids separately.

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