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Grinding meat is an example of a Physical Change, as opposed to a Chemical Change or Nuclear Change.

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Q: Using a meat grinder you were able to obtain ground meatwhat kind of change in matter did you produce?
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Related questions

What are the advantages of an espresso grinder?

There are many advantages of an espresso grinder. Primarily a grinder allows for the beans to be ground to a near powder which releases most of their flavor.

What is ground turkey?

Ground turkey is boned turkey meat that has been put through a meat grinder.

What is the benefit to using a salt and pepper grinder over the salt and pepper shakers?

As far as the salt goes, there's no advantage. The salt is the same whether from a grinder or a shaker. For pepper, however, a grinder has an advantage. Fresh ground pepper is much spicier than pre-ground pepper from a shaker.

Does pepper taste fresher from an electric pepper grinder?

Yes, freshly ground pepper does taste fresher. This is because the flavor of the pepper seeds remains locked until the very moment when they are ground up by the electric pepper grinder. If the pepper was not freshly ground and had been previously ground and stored, then it has already lost much of its scent, its aroma, which gives the ground pepper its freshness. Pre ground pepper will still taste hot, but it will most probably not have the flavor or scent of freshly ground pepper from an electric pepper grinder and thus won't appear as fresh.

What is ground food?

Ground food is simply small cut-up food. This is done with a food processor, meat grinder and the like.

How do you ground meat without meat grinder?

I don't think you can. Nothing grinds like a grinder. You can chop meat with a big knife,but it will not be the same as ground meat.You can buy hand grinders for about $30 new.Agree, grinders work by forcing meat through sharpened blades and then extruding it through plates that can have various hole sizes on them. Hard to replicate this without a meat grinder.

How dependable is an electric meat grinder?

An electric meat grinder can be very dependable if you want freshly ground meet and need it in large quantities. The only issue that might arise, is the obvious clean-up considerations as well as care and maintenance that a person without a grinder does not have to deal with. A good quality electric meat grinder can be quite dependable unless the power goes out or the grinder is jammed. Avoid putting clogging items in the grinder and purchase one with a warranty.

Does the espresso machine take ground espresso as well as beans?

The machine will handle both. It will process ground beans, or grind the beans for you with the built in grinder.

What is the difference between granite crusher and crusher skylanders?

The Granite Crusher has an upgrade of a Ground Grinder where the Crusher does not.

Do you have to get a coffee grinder if you get a coffee press?

No, you don't have to. But you will have to buy ground coffee, which is not as fresh tasting as home-ground coffee. :) Right, home-ground coffee may be more tasteful than saleing ground coffee. Because Ground coffee deteriorates faster than roasted beans because of the greater surface area exposed to oxygen. If you are a coffee lover, you HAVE TO get a coffee grinder. In general you will notice the difference fast!

What is a 2 stage herb grinder?

"A herb grinder or spice grinder is a round contraption used for hand grinding herbs and spices. The two piece herb grinder has two halves (top and bottom) that separate and have sharp teeth or pegs aligned in such a way that when both are turned back and forth, material placed inside is ground up, shredded or pulverized."

What animal do ground beef come from?

Beef comes from cows. Ground beef is beef put through a meat grinder. Ground beef can be used to make hamburgers or meatballs or other dishes.