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Q: What is a example of stimulus in drama?
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What is stimulus in drama?

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What does stimulus mean in drama?


In what ways does stimulus material develop through drama process?

Stimulus material develops throught the drama process it helps base your ideas around a certain thing and you can compare it with other stimulus'.

What is a Stimulus for Drama?

For drama we have to write a brief scenario based on a stimulus. The stimulus is the following: ' Then...that come it may, As come it will fora' that; That sense and worth, o...39;that. ' Any ideas on what scenario i could write based...

What is a stimulus in drama?

A starting point. Something used to base the piece around. There are 4 kinds of stimulus- words, images, sound and objects.

What is the starting point in drama just the starting point?

a stimulus.

What does stimulus mean for Drama?

A subject for a devised piece for a play.

What is the stimulus material in drama?

Is a dectable change in the internal or external environment

What a plant or animal does after receiving a stimulus is an example of a?

What a plant or animal does after receiving a stimulus is an example of a reaction. If the stimulus is unexpected, the reaction is an involuntary one.

What is an example of an internal stimulus and an external stimulus?

external is thunder

What is the different between an external stimulus and an internal stimulus?

The difference between an external stimulus and an internal stimulus is that an external stimulus is a stimulus that comes from outside an organism. But an internal stumulus is a stimulus that comes from inside an organism. An example for an external stimulus can be that when you are cold, you put on a jacket. An example for an internal stimulus is that when you feel hungry, you eat food.

What is the definition of drama stimulus?

Something to base a play around e.g an emotion like anger