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Q: What is a federal offence?
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Is check fraud a felony in GA?

Yes it is. Not only that it is a Federal offence.

Is blowing up a mailbox a federal offence?

Most definately and federal time. You have to serve 85% of your time. If you steal someone's mail its also a federal offense.

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No, It is a federal offence to have more than one passport.

Can someone in NY be arrested for failing to pay an auto loan?

yes because it is a federal offence

On a rural mailbox is it illegal to hang an advertisement on the flag paortion of the box?

Yes. It is a Federal offence. But--it is never enforced.

What happens if you get caught pretending to be a real FBI Agent?

It is a crime a federal offence to be exact and you could get 2-10 years

Is it a federal offense to pass a bad check?

Yes, Its a felony offence Known As Fraud. You will likely be put in jail or Probation.

Can i sell a gun that isn't in my name?

If it's not yours to sell, then you can't sell it - it's the same as stealing a firearm, which is a federal offence.

How much time can a convicted felon get for possession of a firearm in Texas?

The federal maximum for this offense is 15 years in federal prison.

Is it a federal offence to sell a stolen gun to a pawn shop in the state of Utah?

You could probably be arrested for possession/trafficking of stolen goods.

Is it legal to videotape a movie from your home?

It says as the movie is starting it is a federal offence to copyright the movie (which means tape the movie). So no it is not legal

How long can they look for you after fleeing a federal sentence?

This question needs more detail. It it entirely dependant on the laws of the country in which the crime was committed, and the seriousness of the offence.