

What is a fin950?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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0.007/14/99 jean mays 1.0 program narrative ----------------- fin950 a report of federal financial aid students with pell and seog. Students with additional federal loans and grants (vccs) can be qualified using program option cards fin95001 for grants and fin95002 for loans. The program developes a list of all or new financial aid students, depending on the parm-card option selected, who have completely withdrawn from all classes after the regular add/drop date and prior to the parm-card cut-off-date. The withdrew-date and the date-last-attended are compared with the above dates to qualify the student for this report. The student will also be selected for the report if withdrawn-date or the date-last-attend-ed is less than the class-start-date. The program determines the latest last date of attendance and also determines the latest withdrawal date for all withdrawn classes. These dates will not necessarily be for the same class. More than likely they will come from different classes. This report prints the latest date last attended, the latest withdrawal date, and the withdraw type code. The report will not list all withdraw-types, withdrew-dates and date-last- attended for each student. The withdraw type code will be the code for the latest withdraw date. Last date attended is used for calculating refunds. Last withdrew date is used as a reference date for determining when funds have to be returned to the program accounts. For example, if a student has these courses: course last-date-attended date-withdrew act 101 09/30 10-05 bio 101 10/20 10/21 ast 200 10/15 10/25 eng 111 10/01 10/30 the 10/20 date will be printed on the report as the last-date- attended and 10/30 will print as the date-withdrew. Report elements are student name, social security number, address, phone number, date last attended, withdrew date and withdraw-type code. If the parm card option for all students is selected, new students will have an '*' in front of the the student's name. This program should run fall and spring semesters to meet new federal financial aid regulations. This is to be used by the business office and financial aid office to manually process pro rata refunds. The cut-off-date is to be entered on the parm card to accomodate college wide use. Specific grant and loan types in addition to pell and seog may be specified on program option record(s). 2.0 sample jcl ---------- 2.1 run jcl ------- //vwfin950 job (xxxx,yyyy,9,29),fin950,class=f, // msgclass=a,msglevel=(0,0),prty=3,region=2048k /*route print rmtzz //fin950 exec fin950,agency=xxx,college=xx //parmcard dd * --input parameter -- /* // symbolic description ******************** required - agency college agency code number (default = none) (e.g. Agency=293) college two character college name abbreviation (default = none) (e.g. College=tn) optional - form the form number that the output is to be printed on (default=a000) (e.g. Form=0001) queue queue class the output is to be spooled under (default='*') (e.g. Queue='a') runtype indicates whether or not to use test or production files (default = prod) (e.g. Runtype=test) dbtype indicates whether or not to use test or production data bases (default = prod) (e.g. Dbtype=test) srtsize amount dasd storage in cylinders allocated to each sort work file (default: 3) (e.g. Srtsize=4) 2.2 input parameter -------------- pos contents --- -------- 1-6 requested term (fall,spring,summer) 7-8 term year example:92 9-14 cut-off-date(yymmdd) example: 921030 15-17 student selection (new, all) 3.0 job setup instructions ---------------------- special forms queue: n/a forms buffer: n/a alignment instructions: a000 - standard line up printed output: financial aid students pro rata list forms type: a000 - 11 x 14 one part standard paper special instructions: n/a 4.0 files ----- 4.1 data base segments used: 1. Ctldbd 2. Findbd a. Finmastr (read) b. Pellawrd (read) c. Loanmstr (read) d. Seogawrd (read) e. Grntawrd (read) 3. Studbd a. Studentm (read) b. Sturegis (read) 5.0 special output messages ----------------------- 1. Error message: '**missing parameter card-please resubmit**' meaning: the parm card needs to be added to jcl action: add parmcard and rerun job 2. Error message: '**must specify new or all students *' meaning: parm card needs an option for new or all students action: correct parmcard and rerun job 3. Error message: 'invalid parm semester' meaning: the input semester on the parm card is incorrect must be fall, spring, or summer. Action: correct on parmcard and rerun job 4. Error message: 'invalid parm semester year' meaning: semester year on parm card is not numeric action: correct on parmcard and rerun job 5. Error message: 'invalid parm cut off date' action: correct cut off date and rerun job 6. Dli call errors - check display to determine data base error and paragraph inwhich error occured. 6.0 special features ---------------- 6.1 calling programs: n/a 6.2 subprograms called: utl001s, utl550s 6.3 message codes: n/a 7.0 program options: --------------- fin95001: this program option contains financial aid id's for grants (only). Four positions are reserved for each grant id. Up to 22 grant id's can be added. Example for grants jtpa, drsg, selo: ex. Jtpadrsgselo...... Fin95001 ------------------------------------------------------------------ | 01 - 04 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 05 - 08 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 09 - 12 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 13 - 16 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 17 - 20 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 21 - 24 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 25 - 28 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 29 - 32 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 33 - 36 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 37 - 40 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 41 - 44 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 45 - 48 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 49 - 52 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 53 - 56 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 57 - 60 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 61 - 64 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 65 - 68 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 69 - 72 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 73 - 76 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 77 - 80 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 81 - 84 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | | 85 - 88 | financial aid grant id - xxxx | |-----------------|----------------------------------------------| fin95002: this program option contains financial aid id's for loans (only). Four positions are reserved for each loan id. Up to 22 loan id's can be added. Example for loans sls, iloa, gsl, plus: ex. Sls iloagsl plus.. Fin95002 ------------------------------------------------------------------ | 01 - 04 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 05 - 08 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 09 - 12 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 13 - 16 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 17 - 20 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 21 - 24 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 25 - 28 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 29 - 32 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 33 - 36 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 37 - 40 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 41 - 44 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 45 - 48 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 49 - 52 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 53 - 56 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 57 - 60 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 61 - 64 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 65 - 68 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 69 - 72 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 73 - 76 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 77 - 80 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 81 - 84 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | | 85 - 88 | financial aid loan id - xxxx | ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.0 program change history: ---------------------- 8.1 version no: v4.44 (initial release) change date: 03/15/93 programmer name: jean mays program change request no: 00011409 description of change: release version 8.2 version no: v4.45 change date: 04/15/93 programmer name: jean mays program change request no: 00011921 description of change: added a third header to the report to display the dates that the student registration record must fall between to qualify for report. Also printed a foot note to clarify report data. Added additional qualification criteria to include those students dropping orientation class prior to first day of class. 8.3 version no: v5.08 change date: 01/15/94 programmer name: p.s. Emmerich program change request no: 00013452 description of change: added a check for student-not-qualified, if the student did not drop all classes between cut-off-date add-drop-date with the exception of orientation. 8.4 version no: v5.11 change date: 04/15/94 programmer name: p.s. Emmerich program change request no: 00014029 description of change: added a parm option to use date last attend instead of date withdrew to compare against the cut-off-date. If option if left blank or 'n', withdrew-date is the default. 8.5 version no: v5.19 change date: 12/15/94 programmer name: p.s. Emmerich program change request no: 00014719, 00015008, 00014616 description of change: * recompiled for pell exchange. * modified print for zero qualify * change the program to select all financial students or new financial students depending on the parm card selection that have withdrawn prior to the selection date. * add another subtitle to qualify the report * print foot note only with the all selection . 8.6 version no: v6.02 change date: 03/15/96 programmer name: p.s. Emmerich program change request no: 00016654 description of change: the date last attended and withdraw-type code are listed on the report. The date selection on the parm card did not change. The report is selecting the the greatest date depending on the parm card selection (withdrew-date or date-last-attended) and listing the withdraw type, withdrew-date and date-last-attended on that decision. It will not list all the withdraw-types, withdrew-dates and date-last-attended. 8.7 version no: v6.05 change date: 07/31/96 programmer name: p.s. Emmerich program change request no: 00016654 description of change: corrected the withdraw type, withdrew-date and date-last-attended to list under the correct headings. 8.8 version no: v6.09 change date: 03/15/97 programmer name: g. Taylor program change request no: 00017426 description of change: added csapawrd segment to the psb 8.9 version no: v6.11 change date: 05/31/97 programmer name: debbie nelson program change request no: 00017542 description of change: eliminated the parm card option to process for last date attended or withdrew date. The program now determines the latest last date of attendance and also determines the latest withdrawal date for all withdrawn classes. The report prints the latest last date attended and the latest withdrawal date. 8.10 version no: v7.03 change date: 11/98 programmer name: k camper program change request no: 18008 description of change: modified term comparisons for y2k, compiled new cobol.

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