

What is a fixed allele.?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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6y ago

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An allele present in all members of a population

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Nikki Kovacek

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Q: What is a fixed allele.?
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What is an fixed allele APEX?

an allele present in all members of a population- APEX

What is allele fixation?

An allele present in all members of a population

What term describes how often an allele is found in a population?

If color is 100 percent black then then genetic variation is 1

What has happens when an allele becomes fixed?

When an allele becomes fixed in a population, it means that all members of the population now carry that allele and no genetic variation exists at that particular gene locus. This can occur through genetic drift or natural selection, resulting in the loss of diversity at that specific gene.

What is allele masked by the dominant allele?

The Allele That Is Covered By The Dominant Allele Is The Recessive Allele.

What is the alternate form of a gene?

The answer is allele

An allele that is dominated or cover up by another allele is called what?

An allele that is dominated or covered up by another allele is called a recessive allele. This means that the trait associated with the recessive allele is only expressed when an individual carries two copies of that allele.

What is a dominent allele?

A dominant allele is an allele that can take over a recessive allele, so if you have a dominant allele and a recessive allele, then the offspring will most likely have a dominant allele over a recessive allele. The dominant allele is expressed over the recessive allele.

Allele that prevents the expression of a recessive allele?

A dominant allele

What is the difference between an inactive allele and an expressed allele?

The inactive allele is invisible in an organism while an expressed allele is the dominant allele and therefor is the phenotype.

When on e allele of a gene masks the presence of the other allele what form is masked?

The recessive allele.

Is albinism controlled by a dominant allele or by a recessive allele?

Recessive allele.