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A dominant allele

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Q: Allele that prevents the expression of a recessive allele?
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Capacity of one allele to suppress the expression?

A dominant allele will express itself if present, and will suppress the recessive allele's expression.

What is allele masked by the dominant allele?

The Allele That Is Covered By The Dominant Allele Is The Recessive Allele.

Is albinism controlled by a dominant allele or by a recessive allele?

Recessive allele.

What makes a dominant allele different from recessive Allie?

A dominant alle masks the expression of the recessive trait in a heterozygous genotype, a recessive allele is the phenotpye expressed is the recessive trait.

Does a recessive allele need another recessive allele to be expressed?

I think if an allele "want" to be expressed, then it has to have a dominant allele. They don't need another recessive allele.

Is when one allele completely masks another?

when one allele is completely dominant over another allele, then it masks the expression of the second allele so the allele that masks the effect is called dominant allele and the allele whos effect is masked is called recessive allele

What type of allele masks the expression of the recessive allele and is therefore expressed in the heterozygous?

A dominant allele will mask the prsence of a recssive allele

Is albinism controlled by a dominant allele o recessive allele?

It is controlled by a recessive allele.

What is a dominant allele what is a recessive allele?

An allele that hide the effect of other allele is called dominant.Allele that is masked is called recessive .

How is a recessive allele from a dominant allele?

its different because adominant allele is in charge

What is the term for an allele that is not expressed in the phenotype of a heterozygous individual?

incomplete dominance source: PH Bio textbook

What is it Dominant allele What is a recessive allele?

A genotype in which there are both a dominant and a recessive allele is called heterozygous.