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Umbrella species require large blocks of relatively undisturbed habitat to maintain viable populations. Saving this habitat also benefits other species.

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Q: What is a flagship or umbrella species Why are they often important even though they are costly to maintain?
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Why are Umbrella species important even though thay are costly to maintain?

i never knew an umbrella was a species

What is the importance of a rhino?

A rhino is important within our ecosystem because they are an umbrella species. An umbrella species protects other species and that is a rhino's main role.

Is a lizard a umbrella species?

No. Lizards are not a species; they are a suborder with thousands of known species.. Some lizard species may be umbrella species while others might not be.

Can a species be both umbrella species and keystone species?

Yes, it is possible for a species to be both an umbrella species and a keystone species. Lemurs in Madagascar are an example of both a keystone and umbrella species. They are a keystone species because a certain kind of plant seed needs to go through their digestive system and be excreted before it's capable of germinating in the soil. They're also an umbrella species because their plight has been used in conservation efforts that have also helped other species that live in their habitat.

How many species of umbrella birds are there?

As many as you believe. The world is your oyster! Don't do drugs.

A tree name that starts with a letter U?

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How do umbrellabirds survive?

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The scientific or taxonomic name would be Polyporusumbellatus.

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Why do mammals reproduce?

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they maintain the ecosystem