

What is a flux when making things?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Flux is any material used to aid in the purification of smelted metals and cleaning or joining of metal in welding. it is a Metallurgy term.

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Q: What is a flux when making things?
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How much does a gallon of flux weigh?

One gallon of Kester 951 Flux weighs about 8.34 pounds. Flux is used for soldering purposes and is widely used in the making of electronics.

Which philosophers are best known for advocating that all things are in flux?

In eastern philosophy The Buddha argued that all things (forms) are impermanent. In western philosophy the first philosopher who is well known for advocating that all things are in flux was Heraclitus. .

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What are fluxes and fluxing agents in analytical chemistry?

A flux or fluxing agent is a source that bonds things together. When soldering wires, a flux is used as a glue that helps the wires melt and stick together. Flux is made of an adhesive and a petroleum jelly.

Does the flux changes due to change in the load in a transformer?

Yes, the two things that chage the number of flux lines in a transformer(electromagnet) are the number of turns in the windings and the amount of current flow

Difference between flux linkage and flux leakage?

i) leakage flux is those flux which goes through the air and linkage flux is those flux whose go through the cell. ii)leakage flux is the loss at flux but linkage flu is warning flux. iii)leakage flux is cause of eddy current loss and linkage flux is case of copper loss.

What is leakage factor?

The Ratio of the total flux ( flux in iron path) to the useful flux (flux in air gap)

Difference between leakage flux and mutual flux?

when a current flow through the coil then flux produced around the coil . if the flux linked same produced coil only then the flux is said to be leakage flux. flux produced by one coil ,but linked with another coil then the flu is said to be mutual flux.

Difference between mutual flux and leakage flux?

when a current flow through the coil then flux produced around the coil . if the flux linked same produced coil only then the flux is said to be leakage flux. flux produced by one coil ,but linked with another coil then the flu is said to be mutual flux.

What illnesses did the middle passage have?

Things such as dysentry and small pox, also something called the bloody flux.

Who advocated that all things are in flux?

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is often credited with the belief that "all things are in flux." He is known for his famous statement "You cannot step into the same river twice," emphasizing the idea of constant change and movement in the universe.

What does flux gusto mean?

Flux gusto