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Andrea Almaraz

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Q: What is a food related use of corn product?
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What are corn's uses?

Use of the corn kernel differs by product. Corn starch is used in a variety of industries, including food products, paper, adhesives, textiles, and pharmaceuticals. Starch can also be converted to ethanol.

Which is a medical use of a corn product?


What products food does Australia use corn for?

POP corn

What is the common use of a sweet corn?

The most common use of sweet corn would have to be food.

Can you use corn starch instead of corn flour for totillas?

Although corn flour and corn starch derive from the same part of the plant, they are NOT the same thing, and in cooking, they behave very differently. If you use corn starch to make tortillas, you'll get an inedible glob of goo. On the other hand, if you use corn flour in place of corn starch, you'll get gruel instead of gravy or sauce or pudding. Corn flour and corn starch should not be confused with (or used in place of) corn meal, which, although related, is a totally different product with a totally different purpose.

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Does corn starch have leavening?

For cooking and recipes, no, corn starch does not have leavening. To make it rise, you'll need to add a leavener, like baking soda, baking powder, or yeast. However, Orthodox and Conservative Jews do consider corn starch a leavened food product for religious purposes, making it unsuitable for use during Passover.________Corn starch isn't used by Ashkenazi Jews because it is a corn product and corn is not eaten during Pesach. This isn't an issue for most Sephardi Jews who will eat corn during Pesach.

What can you use maize for?

Maize is a kind of grain used mainly to feed livestock. In the US it's called "corn". A lesser amount is used for food products like corn tortillas, corn meal, and corn chips. The sweeter kind, called sweet corn, is also a popular food item in the US.

What are some healthy recipes using corn syrup?

The general concensus is that there are few healthy recipes that use corn syrup because of how unhealthy the product is. Many recipes advise users to use a substiture for corn syrup.

Mice eat corn. Hawks eat mice. Which term describes the corn in this food chain?

The corn is since it is a plant. The basis of all food chains are plants of one kind or another. They all use sunlight to make their own food.

Can you use corn oil instesd of vegetable oil for a devil food cake?


When referring to the food at the supermarket, why does Pollan say, "It's All Corn."?

Actual corn-based foods are quite few: corn, corn bread, corn meal, products that have corn meal as a breading used before frying or baking, and of course corn flakes breakfast cereal. When you get into those that use corn byproducts, though, practically every processed food will have one or more.