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Q: Which is a medical use of a corn product?
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What is a food related use of corn product?


Is there any corn product in glycol?

No, not usually. The only way that glycol can contain a corn product is if it is corn glycol. And corn glycol is rarely sold.

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What are some healthy recipes using corn syrup?

The general concensus is that there are few healthy recipes that use corn syrup because of how unhealthy the product is. Many recipes advise users to use a substiture for corn syrup.

Is corn bread a producer?

No. Corn bread is a product.

What are corn's uses?

Use of the corn kernel differs by product. Corn starch is used in a variety of industries, including food products, paper, adhesives, textiles, and pharmaceuticals. Starch can also be converted to ethanol.

What contains more real corn candy corn or a kernel of corn?

A kernel of corn. Candy corn contains corn syrup which is not real corn, but a product manufactured from corn starch.

Can you use corn starch instead of corn flour for totillas?

Although corn flour and corn starch derive from the same part of the plant, they are NOT the same thing, and in cooking, they behave very differently. If you use corn starch to make tortillas, you'll get an inedible glob of goo. On the other hand, if you use corn flour in place of corn starch, you'll get gruel instead of gravy or sauce or pudding. Corn flour and corn starch should not be confused with (or used in place of) corn meal, which, although related, is a totally different product with a totally different purpose.

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