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A grade beam is a horizontal structural element that spans between supports right at ground level. Usually it's a reinforced concrete wall anywhere from 12" to 30" high with only about 8" above ground. The supports it sits on are concrete piers that are buried below the frost line around 4 ft. underground and sit on a footing. In the case of a stair, it's probably spanning across the front at the lowest tread and is half buried in the ground. It allows for a solid concrete exterior stair to be supported on top of it across its whole width on the corners. Eliminating the need for pouring a full height foundation wall. This application is ideal for hard rocky sub-ground where excavating would be extremely expensive. - Residential Architect, ID

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Q: What is a footing grade beam for a staircase?
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it can be as long as you want it to be.. but it can't be more than 3 lengths of the beam

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What is footing wrt civil engineering?

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