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Forceps is a medical instrument that looks kind of like tongs with flat ends. During labor and delivery, forceps may be needed to turn the baby or to help quickly assist to deliver a newborn. The forceps is opened (like tongs) and each flat side is placed on each side of the baby's head, then the doctor guides the baby out the vagina.

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Related questions

How would the doctor using forceps cause a birth injury?

If a doctor misuses the forceps during birth head trauma or cervical spine injuries can occur to the baby. In general forceps are safe and the benefit will outweigh the risk of their use.

How did Chi McBride get the scars on his head?

Birth, forceps

Is skull malformation hereditary?

Not necessarily. Sometimes there is " modeling " from the birth canal, or injuries from a forceps delivery.Modeling is almost always temporary. Forceps injuries can be permanent, and even cause brain damage.

What is the plural of forceps?


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What is the plural form of forceps?

Forceps. They are a 'pair of forceps' - just like a pair of scissors.

Why are Russian Tissue Forceps named Russian Forceps?

When you think of Russia, the image of the Star comes to mind. The Mayo/Star forceps are also known as the Russian Forceps because of this.

What is the use of mixter right angled forceps?

what is the use of mixter right angled forceps? and definition of mixter right angled forceps

What are science tweezers called?

Tweezers are a type of forceps used for plucking hairs.

Which forceps do you use to grasp foreign bodies?

The forceps I choose to grasp a foreign body depends on the location of the foreign body and the size and texture of the item. I might use Kelly forceps or mosquito forceps most typically.

Is forceps delivery considered normal spontaneuos delivery?

Forceps delivery is not considered a routine method of delivery, but rather an assisted delivery technique used when necessary. It involves using forceps to aid in the baby's delivery by guiding their head through the birth canal. It is a medical intervention that is typically only used when there are concerns about the baby's well-being or the mother's ability to push effectively.

Is forceps singular?

Yes, the word forceps is a singular noun, a short form for 'a pair of forceps'; the plural form is 'two pairs of forceps'. Other singular nouns that are a form of 'a pair of...' are: - trousers - pants - glasses - scissors - binoculars