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Q: What is a forecast of a person's future based on a diagram of planets and stars given at a moment?
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What is a forecast of a person's future based on positions of the planets and stars at a given moment?

It is called a "horoscope", and is created as part of the practice of astrology.

What is the forecast of a persons future based on stars at a given moment?

That's called astrology and it is a type of superstition rather than a science.

What is the homophone for to forecast the future and to gain?

The homophone for "to forecast the future" is "to predict" and the homophone for "to gain" is "to attain."

What is a forecast?

A forecast is a weather prediction that weathermen or weather women think will happen. Can also mean a prediction or a conjecture about something in the future other than weather eg economy .

What does it mean by Ramalan Bintang?

Ramalan Bintang means horoscope in Indonesian. A horoscope is a forecast of things to happen in the future based on a chart that represents the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets.

How does a budget differ from a forecast?

Budget is more accurate than forecast. A budget can be had from historic data whereas forecast looks into the future trends.

What is the current forecast by many economists for job growth in the near future?

The current forecast by many economists for job growth in the near future is 14% from 2012 to 2022.

What is the word gurau unscrambled?

The anagram is "augur" (to forecast the future)

What is jathakam?

It's a script/document containing ones planetary positions/information to understand, forecast, predict ones future health, wealth, illness, prosperity in alignment with planets/stars. The reason it's in alignment with planets/stars since the galaxies created planets/stars and also the life on earth hence we are stars ourselves.

What is the beat degree for finance future certificates?

The bear degree for finance future certificate is a strong future forecast into the same.

What is pollen forecast?

pollen forecast tells what the pollen level is in the future so people with allergies know if they need to take medication

What is occupancy forecast?

Occupancy forecast is forecasting the number of hotel rooms available for rent on a future date. This is important for making pricing decisions.