

Best Answer

It's called the possessive form, and it's usually formed by adding apostrophe s or just an apostropheafter the noun.

  • The dog's dinner. (only one dog)
  • The dogs' dinner. (more than one dog)
  • lady's clothes (one lady)
  • ladies' clothes (more than one lady)
  • Jesus' parables...
  • King James' Bible
  • The children's dreams...
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2d ago

A possessive noun is a form of a noun that shows ownership or relationship of one thing to another. It is typically formed by adding an apostrophe ('s) after the noun. Example: "The dog's bone."

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The verb for regaining possession is repossess; the noun form is repossession; the adjective form is repossessed.

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No, who has does not have a contractions. Whose is a form of "who" which shows possession.

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Yes, the word dogs is a plural noun. The singular noun is dog.

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Possessive nouns show a relationship between the possessive noun and the noun that it shows possession for. An adjective may or may not be involved. John's book is on the desk. (The possessive form John's shows its relationship to the book, there are no adjectives in the sentence.)

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The noun forms for the verb possess are possessor, possession, and the gerund, possessing.

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Is friends a plural or a possessive?

The word friends is the plural form of the singular noun friend.example: My friends came over to watch a movie.The possessive form of the singular noun friend is friend's.example: It was nice to see our friends' kids at the picnic.An apostrophe "s" at the end of the word shows possession.

What type of noun is possession?

what kind of noun is possession

How do you spell plural form of possess?

Possess is a verb. Its plural form (the one used with plural subjects) is possess, while the form used with singular subjects is possesses.Examples:We possess, they possess.He, she or it possesses.The noun form of possess is possession, plural possessions.