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The forth form of Matter, even discussed on such TV shows in the 60s such as Lost In Space is....


This is found in lightning bolts, nukes, and natually start.

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14y ago

The form of matter found in lightning bolts is plasma. Although people do not know much about this fourth form of matter we do know that it is at a very high temperature. Examples of plasma is lightning bolts, nuclear reactors, and stars.

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9y ago

I really can not think of any common to all three.

Lighting and stars contain matter in the form known as plasma (i.e. hot ionized gas) but nuclear reactors don't.

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Q: What is a form of matter common to stars and lightning?
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What is the form of matter common to stars and lightning?


Form of matter found in lighting bolts nuclear reactors and stars?

Plasma is the form of matter found in lightning bolts, nuclear reactors, and stars. It is a state of matter that consists of charged particles, such as electrons and ions, and is characterized by its high energy and conductivity.

What is the Form of matter found in lighting bolts nuclear reactors and stars?

The form of matter found in lightning bolts, nuclear reactors, and stars is plasma. Plasma is a state of matter in which atoms are ionized into charged particles, leading to unique electrical and magnetic properties.

What do stars form from?

Stars form from the matter within nebula.

Why is plasma the state of matter that is found in stars but is not common on earth?

Plasma is a very high energy state of matter that is usually only found at high temperatures. Stars are extremely hot, which easily allows the development of plasma. Earth is much cooler, which makes it difficult for plasma to form. Plasma can still be found in lightning bolts and fire.

What is the state of most of the matter is the universe?

The most common type of energy/mass in the Universe is in the form of dark energy, followed by dark matter. Only about 4% of the Universe is in the form of "normal" (baryonic) matter. If it is specifically to this matter you refer: the most common state of matter is plasma, found in stars.

The most common form of matter in the universe is .?

The most common found matter in the universe is plasma. Plasma, an iodized gas found mainly in stars and space, covers more than 85% of the universe.

The most common form of matter in the universe is what?

The most common form of matter in the universe is hydrogen, followed by helium. These elements were formed in the early universe and make up a large portion of the ordinary matter we observe.

Is lighting plasma?

Yes, plasma can emit light. When gas is ionized and becomes plasma, it can emit light due to the movement of charged particles within it. This light emission can vary in color and intensity depending on the gas and the conditions under which the plasma was created.

What do stars and solar systems form from?

Matter is all the matters

Why is a block of ice which when heated converts into liquid and then into gas considered as matter?

Because they are all matter. The three most common states of matter that we are familiar with here on earth take the form of sold (ice), liquid (water), and gas (vapor). T he most common form of matter is a fourth kind called plasma. It is mostly found in stars and makes up roughly 99.9% of all matter in the universe, not including dark matter and dark energy.

What is the most common form of matter?

Dark energy is believed to make up about 73% of the mass of the Universe; dar matter about 23%; and normal matter - the kind we know most about - about 4%. In the case of normal matter, most of it is still in the form of hydrogen.