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Q: What is a form of potential or stored energy found especially in food or fuel?
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Related questions

Where is the potential energy in a DNA molecule found?

The potential energy stored in the bonds of the phosphates provides the energy for DNA synthesis.

When an object is lifted where does the potential energy come from?

Elastic potential energy can be found when you are stretching a spring. Any kind of elastic energy can be found when you are stretching or compressing an object.

What are the differences between potential energy Kinetic Energy energy?

Kinetic energy depends on movement; potential energy only on the position (when there are forces that act on an object).

Why is potential energy called stored energy and into what kind of energy does it usually change to?

potential energy is found in things like a compressed spring, or a weight that has been raised to drive a clock. In it's static position, before the energy is released, it is being "stored". It usually changes into "kinetic" energy, causing something to move, or giving it momentum. Some of that energy will also be consumed by friction in the mechanism creating thermal energy.

What form of energy is found underground?

Stored energy

What energy is found in plants?

Potential Energy

Where is the potential and kinetic energy in a volcano?

Potential energy is found when the lava(magma) is hardened. Kinetic energy is found when the volcano is erupting.

Where is gravitational potential energy found?

gravitational energy is found in your but hole

Type of energy found in a battery?

It is stored chemical energy.

How do you find potential energy?

gravitation potential energy can be found by the formula EP=mgh, where EP potential energy, m is the mass of the object for which the potential energy is to be found,g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is the height to which the object is raised.

Where are chemical and energy found in the atom?

Chemical energy is stored in the electron cloud.

Usable energy found in molecules?
