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Q: What is a form on energy that can transfer from one place to another?
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What kind of energy is in power lines?

Electrical energy. The whole purpose of power lines is to transfer energy from one place to another, in the form of an electrical current.

What is meant by conservation of energy?

It is meant to transfer energy from one form to another.

Why is the transfer of energy so important?

Movement of energy from one place to another or from one substance to another, or the conversion of energy from one form to another. For example, in a car engine, the chemical energy of the fuel is converted to kinetic (motion), heat, and sound energy.

What is mean by Form F?

f form transfer to one place to another place in helping them

The type of energy transfer that takes place between objects in direct contact is called what?

Energy is mainly transferred in the form of heat. So,transfer of heat energy from one body to another by direct contact is called thermal conduction.

Why is most of the energy used by humans in the form of electricity PLEASE HELP?

The main reason is that electricity is easy to transfer from one place to another, and to convert to other types of energy.

How would energy transfer from one form to another if you were frying an egg?


What are the differences between energy transfer and energy transformation?

In an energy transfer, the energy moves from one object/material to another. In an energy transformation, one form of energy transforms into another. In both, the amount of energy does not change, but in an energy transformation, some energy is lost into the environment.

What is the difference between an energy transfer and an energy conversion?

energy transfer and energy transformation are transfer refers to the transfer of energy from one body to another, like energy travelling from one place to another. when we place our hand on a hot iron rod,heat energy is tansfered from the rod to our hand.on the other hand energy transformation means the energy gets converted to another form of energy,much like mechanical energy becoming electrical energy in the case of wind mills.

Radiation is the transfer of energy in the form of particles?

No! radiation is the transfer of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.

What do you mean by f form?

it means transfering stock from one place to another place i.e.,Form F for Stock Transfer.

What is the transfer of?

When one form of energy (kinetic energy, potential energy, chemical energy ,ect) is changed into another energy (chemical, kinetic, sound, ect)