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une réunion, une discussion

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Q: What is a french word for a meeting where ideas are shared?
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Meeting place French word?

The French word for meeting place is "lieu de rencontre".

What is the word for meeting place in French?

A meeting point or meeting place is "un point de rendez-vous" or "un point de rencontre" in French.

What is redezvous?

The word is "rendezvous". It's French, and it indicates a meeting. The connotation in English is that the meeting is secret in some way.

What is another word for soul?

spirit Shared Consciousness spirit - in French âme, esprit.

Is the word meeting a noun?

Yes, "meeting" is a noun. It refers to a gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as to discuss business matters or exchange ideas.

Is conference a noun or adjective or both?

The word 'conference' is a noun, a word for a meeting of two or more people for the purpose of discussing ideas (conferring).

What is another name for meeting in French?

If life, metting is "rencontre" "our first meeting" = Notre première recontre" In work, a meeting is called "Une réunion" The word meeting exists in french to call athletism events, political events and air show "Le meeting de Paris" is a athletic competition Un meeting politique - a political Un meeting aérien - an air show

What is a rond de veau?

I assume you mean: rendez-vous, this is the french word for meeting or date.

How do you spell rondayvu?

This is an excellent US phonetic spelling of the French word rendezvous (meeting, tryst).

What is a French word for meeting or meeting place?

A meeting is une réunion, une rencontre, un rendez-vous in French. The meeting place is "un point de rendez-vous, un point de rencontre, un lieu de réunion"

What does rendezvous translate to in French?

According to Webster dictionary the word rendezvous originates in french, but is English. The word means a meeting between two or a group of people at a designated location.

Rendezvous in English?

the same word is used in English. Borrowed from the French. It means place appointed for a meeting