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Q: What is a fresh water tank for ship?
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to circulate water in fresh water tank to expansion talk.

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Can you change a fresh water fish tank into a salt water tank?

i dont really know sorry

Where does a cruise ship get fresh water?

They get it from a desalination plant onboard a mighty fine ship.

What happens if a single celled organism is transferred from a tank of fresh water to a tank of salt water?

It will swell and burst

What happens to a fresh water fish when put in a salt water tank?

they will die

What would happen if a single celled organism was transferred from a fresh tank of water to a tank of salt water?

it would shrink

Why is it that ship floats deeper in fresh water than in the sea water?

sea water is denser.

Will the ship sink further into the seawater than if it was in fresh water?

The ship will sink slightly. Salt water is denser there for heavy objects will float more in it. When the ship goes back to fresh water the density decreases and the ship lowers again. This link gives extra information and some simple experiments for you to try at home.

Will a ship ride higher in inland freshwater lake or in the ocean?

Ocean. The ship will ride higher in salt water than fresh in water. There is a load line on the side of ships to tell you how deep you can load the ship. You can load the ship deeper if it is in fresh water because it will come up when it gets to the ocean.

Why is water pump needed in a fish tank?

A water pump is needed to pump in fresh water.