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A frog performs locomotion by jumping in the air.

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The frogs reason for locomotion on land is to find food and lay their eggs

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Q: What is a frog's locomotion in water?
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What is a synonym for swiming?

locomotion in water!

Do frogs drink water?

No, frogs do not drink water. Frogs absorb water through their skin.

How do insect use locomotion on water?

"Many of these insects are adapted to utilize the surface tension of water for locomotion. The surface tension of water makes it possible for some insects to stand on water and remain dry."

What does the incurrent siphon and appear adapted to do in a clam?

The incurrent siphon is a tube that water flow into which allows respiration, reproduction, locomotion and feeding. Locomotion is achieved by expulsion of water.

What is the movement of frog?

A frog moves by leaping. Movement via leaping is called saltatory locomotion.

How do you give baby frogs water?

To give baby frogs water you just put them in the water and they will drink it

How do frogs develop into frogs?

Frogs start out as tadpoles and then they develop into jumping frogs. They start life in water.

Do frogs lives in water?

Frogs live in water when tadpoles.When the tadpoles become frog's they have to live near water or in a moist place because the frog's skin drys out quickly.

Can water frogs come out of the water?

yes; frogs are amphibians, and when they are in their adult form they can travel on land.

Is the sentence The frogs were in the water correct?

Yes, the sentence is correct grammatically. The sentence is The frogs were in the water.

What groups of frogs only live in water?

Aquatic frogs

How does frogs breathe on land and on water?

on land , frogs breathe with the help of lungs , and in water , with the help of gills.