

What is a function petals?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What is a function petals?
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What is the function of bright colourful petals?

to attract animals and birds to pollinate

In a flower what is the function of the petals?

The flower petals are bright in color so as to attract pollinators such as insects, birds, and animals to facilitate reproduction in plants.

Why are petals and sepals called accessory parts?

The main function of flower is formation of seeds by sexual reproduction. Anthers and Carples are main parts for this purpose and sepals and petals being protective and attractive parts are called accessory parts.

What is the function of a flower pedal?

The basic function of the petal is to attract insects and mammals to the flower for pollination; to a certain degree they also offer a small amount of protection to the reproductive structures. Some petals play a secondary roll providing a landing platform for pollinators (mainly insects). The petals are also called the inflorescence of the the flower. In Dicotyledonous flowers the petals are protected when young by the calyx. In Dicotyledonous plants the flowers either have petals in multiples of 4 or 5 (eg. 4, 8, 12 or 5, 10, 15 etc.). In Monocotyledonous plants the flower have petals in multiples of 3 (eg. 3, 6, 9 etc.). Some petals are brightly coloured and are pleasant for humans to look at. Flowers that sometimes appear drab to humans are patterned in ways that are visible to animals and insects, but not us - they may contain pigments and patterns that are only visible in utraviolet light (which some insects can see). Petals have no function in photosynthesis.

Why are sepals and petals referred to as accessory parts of the plant?

so that bugs can pollinate on the petals and sepals and so both can protect the budBasically the flower is meant for sexual reproduction. It has got sepals, petals, stamens and carpels. Stamens and carpels are called reproductive parts and sepals and petals are known as accessory parts because the function of these two parts is protective and for attracting the pollinators only. Therefore, these are called accessory parts.

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What is the function of a petals of a flowers?

Petals are not involved in reproduction.They provide protection and attract insects for pollination.

The petals of a flower have no reproductive function?

This is correct, if you discount the fact that many insects which pollinate plants are attracted to them by the petals.

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to protect the petals inside it

What is the function of the sepals in the unopend flower?

to protect the petals inside it

What is the main function petals and sepls of flower?

attract pollenators

What is the function of the sepals in the unopended flower?

to protect the petals inside it

What is the function of the sepal in the unopend flower?

to protect the petals inside it

What is the function of bright colourful petals?

to attract animals and birds to pollinate

In a flower what is the function of the petals?

The flower petals are bright in color so as to attract pollinators such as insects, birds, and animals to facilitate reproduction in plants.

What is the function of the corolla of the flower?

The corolla is the collective term for the petals of a flower. Therefore the function is to attract insects for pollination.

What is the main Reproductive function of flower Petals?

It attract insects and insects help in pollination

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