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Q: What is a gas cooler?
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Are sunspots regions of cooler gas?

Sunspots are regions of cooler gas; however, they are still extremely hot.

What is cooler air pulled down by?

The density of a cool gas is lower compared with the density of a hot gas; consequently the cooler gas is pulled down.

What are Areas of gas On the sun That cooler Then the gases around them?

Sunspots are areas of gas on the sun that are cooler than the gases around them.

What happens when a hot gas and a cooler gas or a solid enter the same room?

When two gasses of different temperatures enter a room they will change the others temperature. The hotter gas will make the cooler gas warmer, and the cooler gas will make the hotter gas colder. Eventually they will start to turn towards room temperature. I hope I answered your question!

When is an absorption spectrum produced?

When light from a hot solid or dense gas passes through a cooler gas.

What changes something from a gas to a liguid when it touches something cooler?


Does cooler gas burn cleaner?

No they are very dirty engine if you know what i mean

If a gas condenses to liquid will it make its surroundings warmer or cooler?

Much warmer.

Which layer of the Sun's atmosphere contains the cooler low-density gas?

The photosphere.

What temperature of gas is best for automobiles?

There is no set temperature at which gas should be in order to work best for automobiles. It is best cooler.

How do you change state from a gas to a liquid?

Change in temp from gas/steam to cooler temps creates moisture into liquid molecules/condensation

What is an area of gas on the sun that is cooler than other surrounding gases called?

The answer is chromosphere