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Q: What is a good age for a child to visit the dentist?
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What is the appropriate age for a child to have their first visit to an Orthodontist?

Your family dentist will usually be the one to suggest that a child needs to see an orthodontist. In general a child will be 12 or older before their teeth begin to need straightening.

At what age should your child visit an orthodontist or a pediodontist for treatment of a complete upper anterior cross bite?

Usually your primary dentist will recommend the orthodontist about the time that the child's bones are nearing the end of their growth. If you want a smooth transition to an orthodontist and a dentist who is specifically geared to young ones, find a pediadontist. They do both and help you understand and plan as your child grows.

How do dentist do fillings for a small child?

The dentist will pull the child's tooth like a similar way of pulling adult teeth. The dentist would usually coax and make the child feel at ease before carrying out the extraction process.

Is a family dentist as good a choice as a pediatric dentist for my 7 year old?

Many people continue using a pediatric dentist until their child reaches the age of 12, then they start using the family dentist; but it really is just personal preference on who you think would take better care of your child. It depends on how you 7 year old reacts to dentists. Most family's choose to keep their children with pediatric dentists until around 12 years old. If your child isn't afraid of the family dentist, then they will be in good hands there too!

Can cutting an eye tooth cause a fever in a 7-year-old?

Yes it can. Your child from the age of 4 should have been going for the odd check-up just to get use to going to the dentist. At 7 your child should be seeing the dentist. Perhaps the gum is infected. Good luck

What age can a child refuse to visit the non custodial parent in the UK?

When they are 16, that is also when they can move out if they have a good place to stay.

What age in NY can a child choose not to visit?


What are the components of the well child visit?

Vaccinations given to children in a well child visit vary depending on the age of the child and what vaccinations they have previously received.

When is the best recommended age to take a child to the dentist?

A child with baby teeth can see a dentist for a "look-see" exam. Mom or dad can hold the child in the parent's lap. Taking them early will also get them used to sights, smells, noises in the dental office. Then, follow your dentist's recommended schedule for exams and cleaning.

What age can a child refuse to visit his parent?

18 i think

What Age was Jesus when shepherd's visit?

he was just a newborn child

What age may a minor child refuse to visit with non custodial parent in KY?

A child can make that decision at the age of 18.