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if someone calls you fat and if that person is skinny then just say, "i may be fat, but atleast im not as fat as the ugliness on you face"


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call them skiny old bone

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Q: What to say to skinny people if they call you fat?
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What do you call people that are very skinny?

Definetly not skinny! I'm skinny and I hate it. My friends are like "OMG you're like a little twig, you are so skinny". I hate it when people say that. It's like calling a fat person fat. It hurts their feelings. Same thing with skinny people (If they don't like being skinny). If they have tried very hard and became skinny, then you can compliment them. Some p

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no he isn't skinny you fat piece how dare u say that

What are people who say that people is skinny?

People that say "People is skinny" are semi-literate people.

What is it called when skinny people hate fat people?

Weightism. When people are prejudice against other people's weight. Such as fat people hating skinny people for having a more attractive body. But I would just say eat healthy, but don't eat too much and you'll be fine.

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because peolpe say they are fat.

Do fat people wish they were skinny?

some probably do, but i don't see the point really. in slavic culture being skinny means you're weak, which is kind of bad. But being skinny is unhealthy, you have trouble gaining weight and muscle. While fat people have more muscle than skinny people and can gain it easier than mesomorphs. based on this, i would say no, because the only thing that skinny people can brag about are their six packs, which onyl shows because they're skinny.

Is Nelly skinnier or fatter now?

she is fat on the legs but skinny on top she is like Alicia keys shes skinny-fat or funny shape like most people would say so don't worry she is just funny shaped

Is your stomach supposed to feel hard or jiggly?

It depends how you think about it. You vould be skinny, but jiggly. And you can be fat, but have a hard stomach. If you're attracted to fat people, I suppose you can say that jiggly is good. If you're attracted to skinny people, then I'm guessing that you like rock hard abs :)

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no. they like SKINNY girls.

Why does skinny people call fat people fat?

Sometimes it's true, but they're just being jerks, just tell them they can die by being too skinny (probably not, but just to scare them) and ignore them, because they will stop! or just think about food you haven't already eaten and keep it moving......i dont like skinny people!!!!!!! because its funny I agree with you 100% percent. But do you know what i would do, if somebody (a skinny person that isn't your friend said that about you, id say "no, im actually obese". because if you show them that you are hurt, that gives them self-reassurance. the reason why a skinny person would say that to you would be because if they tried to beat you up the fat person would man handle him. So the first time they say it act cool, but if it gets out of hand, (and if your in school) complain to the principal, or show him who's boss street style

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I would say tall and skinny because you can be a modle if you are and sometimes it better being skinny