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Weightism. When people are prejudice against other people's weight. Such as fat people hating skinny people for having a more attractive body. But I would just say eat healthy, but don't eat too much and you'll be fine.

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Q: What is it called when skinny people hate fat people?
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helllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no ur saying that because you are fat and you hate skinny people... FATTIE!!!!!

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Definetly not skinny! I'm skinny and I hate it. My friends are like "OMG you're like a little twig, you are so skinny". I hate it when people say that. It's like calling a fat person fat. It hurts their feelings. Same thing with skinny people (If they don't like being skinny). If they have tried very hard and became skinny, then you can compliment them. Some p

Why do skinny people hate fat people?

It is not accurate to say that all skinny people hate fat people. It is important to avoid generalizations and assumptions about individuals based on their body size. It is more productive to focus on promoting body positivity, acceptance, and respect for all body types.

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Man if you are skinny man you better eat!I hate skinny!It dont matter FAT is better.I heard more men loved fat people.

What is it called when fat people hate skinny people?

This attitude can be described as weight discrimination or sizeism, which involves prejudice and discrimination based on a person's weight or body size. It is important to promote body positivity and acceptance of all body types.

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yes everyone has fat even skinny people.

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dont worry about it

How do you feel about you're self if you're anorexic?

you feel ashamed about your weight, even if you are very skinny, you, well you hate yourself for "being" fat the reason i put being in speech marks is, anorexic people are mostly skinny, but think they're fat

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People with a fast or high metabolisim are typically skinny.

Why doctors and diet experts can help fat people get skinny but cant help skinny people get fat?

Good question. It could be a thyroid problem.

Who is more likely to get paralized fat people or skinny people?

fat people. are more llikely to get paralized