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On Sun/day morn/ when I/ woke up/

I thought/ I saw/ a yell/ow duck/

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Q: What is a good example for iambic meter that is not an example that is in a book?
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What is a good example of iambic meter that is not an example in a book?

WikiAnswers cannot write a poem for you. The examples in books are perfectly good examples to show you what iambic meter is.

What kind of meter is Robert frost known for using?

Robert Frost is known for using mainly iambic meter in his poetry. This meter consists of alternating unstressed and stressed syllables, creating a natural and conversational tone in his work. Frost's use of iambic meter helps to capture the rhythm of everyday speech while still conveying deep meanings and emotions.

What is a good example of a sentence using the word formost?

Shakespeare provides some of the foremost examples of the use of iambic pentameter.

Why meter rule is not good to measure the thickness of a book?

The thickness of a book will normally be smaller than the smallest graduations on the metre rule.

What is iambic peentameter?

Iambic pentameter is a metrical pattern in poetry consisting of five iambs per line. An iamb is a metrical foot consisting of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable. This pattern is commonly used in English poetry and serves as the basis for many poems and plays.

In which meter were shakespearean sonnets written?

Shakespearean sonnets were written in iambic pentameter, which consists of five metrical feet per line, with each foot containing two syllables and the stress falling on the second syllable. This meter gives the sonnets a rhythmic and musical quality.

Is a book a good example of matter?

Unless the book comes from the Anti Universe and was forged by the weaponers of Qward by extinguishing all the life on a planet to capture their distilled fear, then yes. It is a good example.

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Why did Dr. Seuss write rhymes for kids?

Dr. Seuss felt that rhyming words was a way that kids would use to learn reading faster. He used anapestic tetrameter which is considered a good rhyming pattern for humor. He also usedtrochaic meter and iambic tetrameter.

What meter does shakespeare use in The Merchant of Venice?

As always, Shakespeare makes use of a good deal of blank verse, which is to say unrhymed iambic pentameter. The verses in the caskets and the comments of Morocco and Aragon thereon are in trochaic tetrameter, without the weak beat of the last trochee, as Dum-da Dum-da Dum-da Dum. The rhythm of "Tell me where is fancy bred" is similar: it may be scanned as iambic tetrameter as well as trochaic.

What is a trochaic dimeter?

Trochaic pentameter is a line with 5 trochaic feet, or stresses.For example: Bobby wanted candy Tuesday eveningThis is in contrast to iambic pentameter which has 5 iambic feet, or stresses:The bird upon electric chord is flaming