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put your hair in a ponytail, then loosen the ponytail, separate into two, and bring the hair up and over into the hole

or do a side ponytail and pull over shoulder

yah also straightening the stop, and having big lose bouncy curls on your shoulders.

i have long thick hair, and volume makes it hot.. moose it up, and make it wavy and make it look like you add the thickness in your hair.

even if you put it half up, and leave half down in the back, it gives a nice look. let a few pieces of bangs hang down from your face, that would look nice too.

have you tried straightning? probably looks rich and not so flat, considering you have thick hair. gives a nice shine and healthy look depending on how you wear it.

if you don't have bangs, you should cut some and wear them over your forehead. for occasions straighten the bangs and comb your hair tight to the back of your head. put in a loose pony tail over your shoulder, or wrap it a few times into a bun. wear nice earings and a necklace and your set to go.

if you have thick hair, i wouldn't recommend cutting it.. other wise it will flare up.. that's what mine did.. i grew it back, and i am never cutting it again.

longer hair gives more possiblities for styles.. never limited.. want more tips email me.

i style it different each day, people love it. some cal me to their house to style theirs before occasions

You can try on different hair styles just by uploading a picture of yourself with Oxygen's MakeoverMatic tool. It's really cool and has tons of choices. Check it out at:

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Q: What is a good hair style for a girl with long and thick hair?
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Its best to look in a hair style magazine and pick what you think would look good on you. There are a lot of women magazines that have tons of pictures of women.

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ids. lottsa thm.

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YEs you can it doesn't matter about the style of your hair

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not really its pretty common....but thick hair is a little better because u can do more things with thick hair....but if ur a tomboy who dosent like to brush your hair thin hair is good...but if ur a girly girl and u have thick hair its good cause this hair is yea byezz!

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you have to be a really good hairdresser and imagine the man as a girl. it is strange

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i have thick curly hair and what i do is when i get out of the shower, i scrunch my hair with gell and moose and then i put it up until it dries a little, and when it is a little more dry i take it down and style it how i want, it works good for me so hopefully it works for you too(:

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it depends on where you live. different places have different trends for a girl a good hair style is half up half down with your bangs down. for a guy a good hair style is a fohawk.

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Yes, you can get a hairdresser to thin your hair. It will be much easier to maintain and style than thick hair.

What are some good hair cuts for a girl with thick black hair?

This depends on your face shape and body style. Go to a couple of good salons and they have great books for you to look at and the stylist can help you determine what looks good, too. Also, look in magazines for gals that have similar features as you and see what they are wearing.