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The SnackSafely website has a comprehensive list of common snacks that are peanut, tree nut and egg free - most available at your local supermarket. The list is updated frequently and is suitable for use by schools, sports leagues, scouting groups and even for play dates.

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Q: What is a good peanut free snack list for schools?
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What is a good tree nut free snack list for schools? has a great list of snacks that are peanut, tree nut, and egg-free, most commonly available at your supermarket. The list is frequently updated and suitable for use by schools, sports leagues, scouting groups and even play dates. You can find the list here:

What is in a healthful snack?

A healthful snack is something not packed with extra sugars. Apple slices or a banana with peanut butter is a good snack.

What is a good snack food?

Popcorn, or apple slices with peanut butter on them.

What is a good substitute for cookies as a fast snack?

graham crackers and peanut butter.

Is eating peanut butter and graham crackers a good snack for a type 1 diabetic?


Why are gluten free cookies a good snack?

It is a good snack because it helps you notget a tummy ache.

Why is it good to have snack machines in schools?

its good to have snack machines in schools because then the student body wouldn't have to worry about having to bringing snacks from home it would also be a good thing because it would to raise money for the schools the students could have more field trips than usual. so i personally think that it would be a good thing to have snack machines in all of the schools through out the entire world.

Which one of the following choices is a good substitute for cookies as a fast snack?

B Graham crackers with peanut butter

What is Joe's favorites?

growing up joe was....a weird kid fav fan gift............joe got a hippo.someone adopted it for them fav peanut butter.he has no idea why,but its so good my favourite snack is red apples with organic peanut butter.

Is peanut butter a good preworkout snack?

Yes. Peanut butter contains protein, healthy oils, and complex carbs making it healthy and it will provide fuel to your body for a workout.

Why schools should have snackbars?

Schools should have snack bars to provide students with convenient and healthy snack options. Snack bars can help students maintain their energy levels throughout the day and improve focus in class. Additionally, snack bars can promote good nutrition habits by offering a variety of nutritious choices.