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Q: What is a good quote on the book of Mice and Men about crooks being disabled?
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Who occupies the bank house in mice and men?

Crooks, the stable hand, occupies the bunkhouse in "Of Mice and Men." He is segregated from the other ranch workers due to his race and is also disabled due to a past injury.

Where was crooks born in of mice of men?

Crooks was born in California. He reveals this information during a conversation with Lennie in John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men."

What is crooks real name from of mice?

In John Steinbeck's novella "Of Mice and Men," Crooks is only known by his last name. His full name is not provided in the text.

How old is crooks in Of Mice and Men?

In "Of Mice and Men," Crooks is described as being "cleaned and brushed" and his face was "as hard and tight as a drawing-surface board." While an exact age is not provided, Crooks is portrayed as an older and weathered man, likely in his forties or fifties.

Who is crooks in mice and men?

black stable-hand

What is crooks doing at the beginning and at the end?

of mice and men

How are crooks and candy characterized similarly in the novel of mice and men?

Crooks and Candy are both marginalized characters in "Of Mice and Men". They are both isolated and lonely on the ranch due to their physical disabilities - Crooks is a black stable hand who faces racial discrimination, while Candy is an older, disabled ranch worker who is ostracized because of his age and physical condition. Additionally, both characters express feelings of powerlessness and dreams of a better life that ultimately remain out of reach.

What is the name of the black farmhand in Mice of men?

The name of the black farmhand in "Of Mice and Men" is Crooks. He is segregated from the other workers on the ranch and faces discrimination due to his race.

What does crooks hate about being on the ranch in mice?

Crooks hates being isolated and discriminated against because of his race. He is constantly treated as inferior by the other ranch workers and is not allowed to socialize with them. This leads to feelings of loneliness and bitterness.

Who where the two disabled people in Of Mice and Men?

Candy is and old worker whose hand was destroyed during an accident on the ranch. Crooks is the only black man in the novel and he has a very bad back, which gives him pain.


The black man in "Of Mice and Men" is named Crooks. He is the stable hand on the ranch where the story takes place. Crooks faces discrimination and isolation due to his race.

How many brothers did crooks have of mice and men?

Crooks did not have any brothers in "Of Mice and Men." He is the only African-American worker on the ranch and faces segregation and isolation from the other workers.