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Q: What is a good thing to do when someone has fallen out?
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What should a girl do when she has fallen for a good friend?

If you have fallen for a good friend then the best thing to do would be to talk to them about your feelings. If you are really close, then even if it doesn't work out or they don't feel the same way, you should still be able to be friends. As I personally have fallen for a very good friend, I realize that it may be uncomfortable to talk to them about this. If they are really your friend then they will stick by you. Don't be nervous. Tell them how you feel!

What are some good books with fallen angles?

fallen and hush hush

What word describes someone who loses a good thing?


What is the spawn of a fallen angel and a guardian angel?

There is no such thing.

Do fallen angels fall in love?

I'll give you the realistic and fantasy side, fallen angels are part of religion, Christian as in the bible, fallen angels are former angels of God cast out of heaven, down to earth where they do bidding of Satan, (the leader) who started to rebel against God, today fallen angels descise themselves as one of us and temp you, they can be the hot guy on the corner offering you drugs, or simply someone passing by, just like the good angels here, demons r the same thing as fallen angels, they can be in human form or spirit. But I don't think they'd be falling In love with mortals

Is it a good thing if you get your partner to say your name during sex?

It is a good thing if your partner does not say someone else's name during sex.

Is making out a good thing?

Yes, if it is with someone you like and with a person your dating.

What is a uplift?

When someone says that you uplift them it means you put them in good spirits. This is a very good thing.

What is the meaning of the idiom fallen through?

Something that has fallen through can mean several things. One thing is that the thing has slipped through a crack or opening and fallen. Another meaning is that something which was supposed to occur has not.Some examples of each meaning:I dropped my money and it has fallen through the grate in the sidewalk.The merger has fallen through, and we need to find a new business partner.

Could someone be a werewolf?

There is no such thing as werewolves. It makes good fiction though.

If someone call you Miss Hollywood is this a good thing?

well it depends... are you a dude?

Who are the good angels?

The good angels are all angels that have not fallen.