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Only you can come up with a good name! Book Titles come from the story, not from some anonymous person on the internet! Titles are not as important as some writers think, also - your title might change many times between your first write and your final draft!

Think about your story - what is going on and who is involved? Why is the cat afraid? Think of a title that would show something from the story.

I'm sort of assuming here, but I think this would be a children's book - why not just call it "The Cat Who Was Afraid to Say Hello"?

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Q: What is a good title for a book about a cat who was afraid to say hello?
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You're going about this backwards, I'm afraid. The title comes last, after your book is done. Finish the book, then you'll find the title from something you wrote in the plot. If you can't think of anything at that point, you can start brainstorming. Write down 100 possible titles and pick the one that appeals to you the best.Just remember, the publisher might change your title after you've sent it in anyway.Here's a good overview about How to Come Up With a Good Book Title

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You're going about it backwards, I'm afraid. The title comes last, after you've finished the book. Finish your story and the title will come out of what you've written. Just call it "Working Title" or "The Abused Girl" until you think of the right title and keep writing!

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You're going about this backwards, I'm afraid. The title comes last, after you've finished your story or paper or book or poem. You must use what you wrote to find the right title.Here are some further instructions to help you out:Nonfiction TitlesFiction Titles